"Martiatiko" Thin Waxed komboskini

[Code : str_thinKomboMartiatiko] "Martiatiko" Thin Waxed komboskini

Price $4.95

Waxed thin komboskini, themed for the ancient Greek tradition that calls for a red and white thread to be worn around your wrist for the month of March.

Known as "martiatika" those bracelets are worn during March as a superstition to protect people from the first sun of the spring, as well as other spring related "evils" such as insects and diseases. They are usually made in February and are supposed to be worn before heading out of your house the first day of March. According to tradition, it is removed at the end of the month and left on rose bushes so that swallows use the strings to build their nest. Another tradition has the martiatiko being destroyed with the light from the Resurrection Mass.

This is worn like a traditional waxed komboskini, and you can see how those are worn in this video

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