Religious Music
The Divine Liturgy of the Greek Orthodox Church

[Code : CONTOSLIT] The Divine Liturgy of the Greek Orthodox Church

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This recording presents the Liturgy in the form used in the Greek Churches in Greece and America. The music is collected by Frank Desby from many Byzantine Service music books and set polyphonically by him. The Byzantine Chorale who sings the Liturgy is assisted by the Reverend Leonidas Contos, Dean of the famous St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles. The Liturgy is divided into two main sections: outlined as follows:
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I. Liturgy of the Catechumens
1. The Great Ectenis or Litany of Peace
2. Hymns of the Antiphons I and II
3. Small Doxology and Justinian's Hymn
4. Third Antiphon
5. Eisodos (Introit)of the Gospel
6. Temple Hymn and Kontakion
7. Trisagion
8. Epistle and Gospel readings
II. Liturgy of the Faithful
9. Cherubic Hymn and Great Entrance
10. Litany of Supplication
11. Exhortation of Love and Peace
12. The Creed - Prayer of Thanksgiving
13. Triumphal Hymn, Holy Holy Holy
14. Consecration of the Gifts
15. Preparation for Communion
16. Lord's Prayer
17. Communion Hymn - Communion of Celebrants Communion of the Faithful
18. Blessing and Last Appearance of the Holy Gifts Giving thanks for Communion and conclusion.


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