H agapi irthe apo makria
- H agapi irthe apo makria
- Ola ine erotas edo
- Pathos Erotikon
- Dilino ston kambo
- To vlemma sou to katharomeo
- Monaxia
- Koimisou
- H epistrofi tou Asotou
- H agapi irthe apo makria
- Na mi se do pote na klapsis
- Fterougisma
- Apognosi
- Sti nihta
- Hadia
- Pali moni
- H agai irthe apo makria
Finally the eagerly awaited soundtrack from the Ant1 hit series 'H Agapi Irthe Makria' is now on CD. The soundtrack is signed off to Mario Toka with lyrics by Fillipou Grapsa. The hit title track, 'H Agapi Irthe Apo Makria', is sung by the ever talented Glykeria!
Music:Marios Tokas Lyrics:Filippos Grapsas