Minos 2022, This Year's Greatest Greek Music Hits
Minos 2022, This Year's Greatest Greek Music Hits - Gia Sena, Stavento ft. Ivi Adamou - Pare me Agkalia, Sakis Rouvas - Gia Pia Agapi, Helena Paparizou - Vodka Vyssino, Marseaux - Mou elipses poly, Petros Iakovidis - Pios Agapaei Pio Poly, Vasi
Thes Na Ginoume Filoi? Boardbook By Eric Carle, In Greek
Thes Na Ginoume Filoi? (Do you want to be my friend) Boardbook By Eric Carle, In Greek Greek edition of the classic friendship story by Eric Carle. In Greek Hardcover, 30 Pages ISBN: 9789604712342 Discover more Eric Carle titles in Greek Althou
Aristotle Bust (6") (Clearance 40% Off)
Bust of philosopher Aristoteles from 384-322 b.C. CLEARANCE 40% OFF - ORIGINALLY 45.95 Made of casting stone with an antique, ivory-colored finish. Approx. 135mm (13.5cm) height x 80mm (8cm) width x 60mm (6cm) depth History Aristotle was born in 384
Ancient Greek Ares Magnet
This magnet is made of casting stone. Sizes are approximate and may vary based on the magnets shape and design. Approx. 70mm (7 cm) x 50mm (5 cm) History Ares (in Greek, Ἄρης), in Greek mythology, is the god of war and son of Zeus and Hera. Identifie
Ancient Greek Marathon Runners Magnet
This magnet is made of casting stone. Sizes are approximate and may vary based on the magnets shape and design. Approx. 70mm (7 cm) x 50mm (5 cm) History Pheidippides, hero of Ancient Greece, is the central figure in a story which was the inspiration
Orthodox Saints Saint Ignatios o Theoforos - 14x20cm
Orthodox Saints - Saint Ignatios Theoforus - 14x20cm Saint Ignatius was an early Christian writer and bishop of Antioch. En route to Rome, where he met his martyrdom, Ignatius wrote a series of letters. This correspondence now forms a cent